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Testimonials - Covid-19

Home > Testimonials > Covid-19

“When COVID first hit, you remember when you couldn’t get toilet paper anywhere, everyone was helping each other with buying groceries, checking on elderly neighbours and then we thought COVID was over and we were okay. Then the second wave hit and we all got a bit disappointed and tired I guess. I was watching TV one night and saw these amazing ladies who had started up the angel next door movement. I thought I can do that and I jumped online and registered. It is amazing how good you feel helping other people.”


“I am a self-declared gym junkie. It is so good for my mental health. I found a few personal trainers who have put a workout session online, so now I jump on my exercise bike, get my weights out and put on my phone and follow along. It is easy and free.”


“Working from home has lost its appeal but luckily I have been able to have lunch with some of my colleagues by being a bit creative! The other day we all decided to order pizzas for lunch, delivered to our individual homes of course and jumped on house party to play trivia, have a laugh and a chat. Next week, we are playing cards online during our break.”


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